Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kiss of Peace : Havenu Shalom

This is  special Hebrew song sung at wedding masses.It is a song of celebration.
I first heard it at my friend C's wedding , and loved it. It's got a wonderful beat to it.

As per Wikipedia,
Shalom aleikhem (or sholom aleikhem)  is a greeting version in Hebrew, meaning "peace be upon you"

Here are the lyrics to the hymn.
Havenu shalom aleichem,
Havenu shalom aleichem,
Havenu shalom aleichem,
Havenu shalom, shalom
Shalom aleichem.

May the peace of the Lord be with you
Peace with your friends and family too
And may his peace grow within you
Havenu shalom, shalom
Shalom aleichem.

 Give it a listen here!

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