Saturday, August 9, 2014

You Are a Priest Forever

It's Vianney Sunday tomorrow, and here's a perfect song to pay tribute to our dear priests.  This song was composed by Annie Karto, a Catholic singer-songwriter during the Year of Priests. 
It can be used for an ordination service, or as a special song in honor of priests.
I wrote down a brief organ accompaniment which I have shared below. Feel free to use it and improvise as per your requirements.

Heading to the lyrics:

You are a Priest Forever

Ch:You are a priest forever
Set apart, Holy one.
You are a priest forever
With you I have placed my only son.

1. Your hands hold his Body
In your care, his precious blood
Lift him high, for all the world to see
There can be no greater Love.

2. Intercede for my people
Shepherd their hearts, as my own.
Be my light, to guide their weary souls
Back to my heart, their home

Give it a listen :

Sheet Music : 
You  are a priest forever

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