Saturday, April 26, 2014

Each For The Other

This wedding hymn below  bears special significance (for a very embarrassing reason I cannot mention on a public forum ) for all of us from my wedding choir, the Wedding Ensemble. 
Am sure, this post will bring a chuckle to each of us from the Wedding Ensemble.
This one's dedicated to each of us from the WE, and the wonderful music we've made.

Lord Jesus, the day has come that they've been dreaming of,
When at the altar white they'll say our vows of love;
Oh, what a hap-py time, all gone the doubt and fear,
And, with the promises, they'll add this one dear Lord.

Each for the oth-er and both for the Lord.
In the golden book dear Je-sus, let the angels record;
Vows sweetly spoken; may they never be broken;
Each for the oth-er, and both for the Lord. 
They'll walk together now, through sunshine and through rain,
They'll mingle tears of pain, and travel unafraid,
O whats a hap-py time,all gone the doubts and fears,
And in a moment Lord, their hearts will fill with cheer.

Give it a listen here!

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