Friday, May 30, 2014

Litany of Saints - Matt Maher

I must admit the timing of this post is so totally wrong! Easter was over more than a month ago and here I am posting a Litany of Saints.

Two reasons for that :

1 ) The litany is beautiful . I love the tune and the sound of Ora pro nobis. It's my all time favourite litany!

2) The words and the tune transport me back to the 'Kopel'/chappel in Goa.
I still vividly remember everyone from the village gathering for the rosary, an uncle reciting the Laadaein in Latin followed by a wholesome serving of boiled chick peas (chone) mixed with mini neatly cubed coconut pieces and Port wine!

With my nana's passing, I really doubt if we'll ever attend one of those gatherings again. However,  I'm certain those memories will last a life time!

Here are the words :

Litany of Saints 

Saint Michael (Pray for us)
Saint Timothy (Pray for us)
Saint Elizabeth (Pray for us)
Holy Mary (Pray for us)

Ora pro nobis (Ora pro nobis)

Juan Diego (Pray for us)
Katherine Rexal (Pray for us)
Saint Francis (Pray for us)
Saint Lucy (Pray for us)

Ora pro nobis (Ora pro nobis)

Saint Nicholas (Pray for us)
Saint Cecilia (Pray for us)
Saint Joseph (Pray for us)
Saint Gabriel (Pray for us)

Ora pro nobis (Ora pro nobis)
Ora pro nobis (Ora pro nobis)

Give it a listen here. The tune is haunting! It could well serve as a chant.


  1. Nice to see the English version here Sonia!!! Thanks a lot!! I've only heard the latin version so far.

  2. Nice to see the English version here Sonia!!! Thanks a lot!! I've only heard the latin version so far.

  3. Thank you Schneider. Do share it with your folks too :)

  4. I echo your views sis! It is completely synonymous with our goa memories! :)


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